14 research outputs found

    A descriptive analysis of human milk dispensed by the Leipzig Donor Human Milk Bank for neonates between 2012 and 2019

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    BackgroundHuman milk banking has become an important aspect of Nutritional medicine. It is not just about the provision of mother’s own milk (MOM) or donor human milk (DHM) in the hospital, but also a strategy to encourage breastfeeding in the clinical setting and beyond.ObjectiveTo describe the feeding patterns of hospitalised infants including human milk dispensed by the Leipzig Donor Human Milk Bank (LMB).DesignA descriptive analysis of daily data on milk feeds dispensed by LMB for hospitalised infants distinguishing between MOM or DHM, either fresh or frozen, and raw/pasteurised milk from 2012–2019.ResultsWe included 2,562 infants with median hospitalisation of 23 days, for whom human milk was dispensed on median 76% of those days and other nutrition on the remaining days. Raw MOM and raw DHM comprised 52% and 8% of the dispensed milk, respectively. Dispensing exclusive DHM instead of MOM for at least one full day was required for 55% of the infants, mostly at the beginning but also later during hospitalisation. Exclusive raw DHM was dispensed on at least 1 day for 37% of the infants, in different birthweight strata <1,000 g: 10%, 1,000-1500 g: 11%, 1,500-2500 g: 13% and > 2,500 g: 3%. At discharge, MOM was dispensed for more than 60% of the infants.ConclusionDuring an infant’s hospital stay, LMB dispenses various human milk feeds with interspersed DHM resulting in complex intra-individual and time-variant feeding patterns. LMB dispenses raw MOM and especially raw DHM with the intention to retain the properties of human milk unlike a diet containing pasteurised DHM and/or formula. Although raw DHM comprises a small percentage of all dispensed milk, raw DHM is dispensed for a substantial portion of infants. Our results document that dispensing raw DHM, is possible in routine settings

    Service-oriented IT-Systems for Highly Flexible Business Processes

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    Der vorliegende Band „Dienstorientierte IT-Systeme fĂŒr hochflexible GeschĂ€ftsprozesse“ enthĂ€lt ausgewĂ€hlte Ergebnisse des Forschungsverbundes forFLEX aus den Jahren 2008 - 2011. Ausgehend von einer Charakterisierung des Forschungsfeldes und zwei fallstudienbasierten Anwendungsszenarien werden Fragen der Analyse, der Modellierung und Gestaltung sowie der Infrastruktur, Sicherheit und WerkzeugunterstĂŒtzung von hochflexiblen GeschĂ€ftsprozessen und ihrer UnterstĂŒtzung durch dienstorientierte IT-Systeme untersucht. Das Buch wendet sich an IT-Fach- und FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung sowie an Wissenschaftler, die an der Analyse und Gestaltung von FlexibilitĂ€tspotenzialen (teil-) automatisierter GeschĂ€ftsprozesse interessiert sind

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder